We have data services setup, and we would like to call this data service within our jaggery app.
Here is our Jaggery Code:
function invokeWS() {
var ws = require("ws");
var ds = ws.WSRequest();
var options = new Array();
options.useSOAP = 1.2;
options.action = "urn:VerifyUserSession";
var payload = '<p:VerifyUserSession xmlns:p="http://..."><!--Exactly 1 occurrence--> <xs:SESSIONID xmlns:xs="http://...">fb9ecf05-751b-4eff-b454-11a9bee44be1</xs:SESSIONID> </p:VerifyUserSession>';
var result;
try {
ds.open(options, 'http://localhost:9765/services/accountManagementDS', false);
result = ds;
catch (e){
return 'error';
return result.responseText;
Here is what the data service looks like from the "TryIt" service:
<p:VerifyUserSession xmlns:p="http://...">
<!--Exactly 1 occurrence-->
<xs:SESSIONID xmlns:xs="http://...">?</xs:SESSIONID>
Am I doing anything wrong? It seems that it throws an error with ds.open()
You have to initialize the WSRequest as,
var ds = new ws.WSRequest();