i'm working on an Eclipse RCP4 project. I have different perspectives showing a set of Parts to choose informations from. After selecting what i want to see, a new Part opens and displays the objet i want to edit / view attibutes of. I can open many parts of the same type. If i close the application, the eclipse framwork persists the position of all opened Parts. If i restart the application all previously opened Parts are open but without informations.
-How to prevent Eclipseframwork from persisting the state of Parts?
-How to close Parts on exit?
I'm searching for a way to add an "removeOnExit" tag to a Part and than close such a marked Part on exit.
Thanks in advance :)
With this you can close MParts with a specific Tag.
It seems you have to switch to the Perspective the Part is on, else it's not removed from the context wich will cause nullpointer exceptions.
public void doEvent(@EventTopic(EventConstants.EventTopics.CLOSE_PARTS_WITH_TAGS) String tagToClose, MApplication app,
EModelService eModelService, EPartService ePartService) {
MUIElement activePart = ePartService.getActivePart();
EPartService activePeServcie = null;
MPerspective activePerspective = null;
if (activePart instanceof MPart) {
activePeServcie = ((MPart) activePart).getContext().get(EPartService.class);
activePerspective = eModelService.getPerspectiveFor(activePart);
List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>();
List<MPart> elementsWithTags = eModelService.findElements(app, null, MPart.class, tags);
for (MPart part : elementsWithTags) {
try {
logger.info("Closing part " + part.toString());
EPartService peService = part.getContext().get(EPartService.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (activePart instanceof MPart && activePeServcie != null && activePerspective != null) {