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Do you have to create a TASK for every BUG in TFS (Cloud) to track time?

Using TFS Cloud (, there are no Estimated, Completed, Remaining fields to add time to a bug. Do we really have to create a TASK work item basically called 'fix - bugname' for every bug, just to log how long each took to fix?

I appreciate on larger bugs this makes sense, but some are spelling mistakes or other minor problems.

This then doubles the number of work items in lists for all?

any suggestions?


  • Well, having looked into this, the quick answer is yes.

    The benefits of doing so are simple. A TASK is the 'smallest' thing you can do in TFS, and it is always assigned to one person.

    Given this, by creating tasks to do the 'work', you can at least see who did the work and account for it (without looking at the history of an item).

    You can also 'bounce around' the assigned to for the actual BUG, e.g. to get someone else to verify it, or leave it assigned to whoever 'owns' that bug, while fixing it can be assigned to others (the tasks).