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Calling an excel macro with parameters from ABAP

How can I call an excel macro with parameters from ABAP? I've found plenty of references for calling a macro without parameters online using the following method:

CALL METHOD OF obj_ex_APP 'Run' 
   EXPORTING #1 = 'Macro_ID'. 

But I can't find anywhere how to pass the parameter. Thanks for any pointers.


  • The arguments/parameters passed to the Macro are specified in consecutive parameters from ABAP.

    So let's say you have a trivial macro like the following:

    Sub Macro1(value)
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = value
    End Sub

    Then the corresponding code to call the Macro from ABAP will be

    call method of excel 'Run'
      exporting #1 = 'Macro1'
                #2 = 'Wassup'. "<- Argument to the 'value' parameter

    The only bump you might hit is that you can pass a maximum of 9 parameters to an OLE call from ABAP (correct me if I am wrong), while the Run method allows you to specify 30 parameters for a Macro, so you are left with 8 parameters you can pass to the macro.

    For more info, see