Is it possible to see all extenders and bindings attached to an observable within Knockout JS?
Sample View Model:
var viewModel = function(){
var self = this;
self.firstName = ko.observable().extend({required: "Please enter a name",
logChange: "first name" });
self.lastName = ko.observable().extend({ required:true});
I am also using several custom bindingHandlers including the Knockout X-Editable Plugin in addition to the KO Validation Plugin
Sample Multi-Page View:
<!--Screen 1 -->
<input data-bind="value:firstName"/>
<!--Screen 2 -->
<span data-bind="editable:firstName"></span>
A. Is there a way to query self.firstName()
and get a list of all of the extenders?
{required: "Please enter a name", logChange: "first name" }
B. Is there another query that I can run to get all of the bindings handlers that depend upon this observable? Can this be returned as DOM elements?
Basically I am trying to display validation errors for imported data, but I want to append them below <span data-bind="editable"/>
if I am on the 2nd view.
This is simple enough when validating each input individually, but it's getting complicated when using
. Even if I iterate over every error, I'm not seeing how I can relate them with the original observable that threw the error.
There is a custom binding you can use
<span data-bind="validationMessage: myObservable"></span>
If that is not enough then you have to get creative :D
There is no generic way of seeing all extenders on a observable. KO validation adds a few functions and observables to the extended observable that you can use
You need to create a custom binding to be able to see all bindings attached to a element. This is not a bad thing, its bad practice to have dependencies to the View from the ViewModel. From your custom binding init or update function you have a allBindingsAccessor
ko.bindingHandlers.myBinding = {
init: function(element, accessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
var valueAttachedToCheckedBinding = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(allBindingsAccessor().checked);