I need to display an image in a fixed size div. Under the div must be some control, like a cursor bar, which sets the resolution of the displayed image. I don't mind much writing the thing, but I thought it might already exist. How come I can't find such a thing ?
(I am not interested in things like jQZoom nor zoomimage which do not let the user choose dynamically the display resolution.)
As this question has now been seen more than 1k times, I add my solution to it. Feel free to copy and adapt.
The solution involves jQuery UI slider plugin. Mainly we create a div with fixed size, overflow:scroll, containing a img tag, and we add a slider under it. The slider 'change' event is bound to a rescale of the img@width/@height attributes.
Here is an excerpt of what we did :
<div id="pictureFilePreview">
<img id="pictureFilePreviewImg" src="style/images/spacer.gif"/>
<div id="pictureSlider"/>
.attr("src", "http://url.of.the.image")
.bind("load", function(){ //wait for complete load of the image
// Slider
var initHeight = parseInt($('#pictureFilePreviewImg').attr("height"));
var initWidth = parseInt($('#pictureFilePreviewImg').attr("width"));
if ($('#pictureFilePreview').width() < initWidth
|| $('#pictureFilePreview').height() < initHeight) {
var deltaW = $('#pictureFilePreview').width() - initWidth;
var deltaH = $('#pictureFilePreview').height() - initHeight;
var ratio = 0;
if (deltaW < deltaH) {
ratio = ($('#pictureFilePreview').width() / initWidth) * 100;
} else {
ratio = ($('#pictureFilePreview').height() / initHeight) * 100;
range: false,
min : ratio,
values: [100],
change: function(event, ui) {
var newHeight = ((initHeight) * ui.value / 100);
var newWidth = ((initWidth) * ui.value / 100);
$('#pictureFilePreview').css('overflow',ui.value === 0?'visible':'scroll');