Let's say we have the following structure :
model_Projects owns an array of model_Category. Each model_Category owns an array of model_SubCategory.
I actually have a store of model_Projects which has a localStorage Proxy.
What happens is, when I load sync() and load() my store of model_Projects, in each model_Projects my array of model_Category is the good size and each cell do contain an object.
What is wrong is that each of those objects are not a model_Category object...
Here is my console.log() function of a project
console.log('\n' + this.get('strTitle') + ' - ' + this.get('strType'));
console.log('Event will be on : ' + this.get('dateOfProject') + '\n');
var arrCategory = this.get('arrCategory');
var arrSub;
var arrType;
for(i in arrCategory)
console.log(arrCategory[i].get('strTitle') + ' Total : ' + arrCategory[i].get('numTotal') + '\n');
//Each Sub Category
arrSub = arrCategory[i].get('arrSubCategory');
for(j in arrSub)
if(arrCategory[i].get('arrSubTotal') === undefined)
console.log('\t' + arrSub[j].get('strTitle'));
console.log('\t' + arrSub[j].get('strTitle') + '\t SubTotal : ' + arrCategory[i].get('arrSubTotal')[j]);
arrType = arrSub[j].get('arrType');
arrValue = arrSub[j].get('arrValue');
arrCOFactor = arrSub[j].get('arrCOFactor');
for( var k=0; k<arrType.length; k++)
if(arrValue === undefined)
console.log('\t\t' + arrType[k] + '\t\t Value : ' + 'NA' + '\t\t COFactor : ' + arrCOFactor[k]);
console.log('\t\t' + arrType[k] + '\t\t Value : ' + arrValue[k] + '\t\t COFactor : ' + arrCOFactor[k]);
console.log('\n'+this.get('strTitle') + ' - ' + this.get('strType') + '\n');
Here is a project.show() right after being created, read from the project store.
And here is what I get when i project.show() after loading the project store
If we open the error we get the following line crashing :
console.log(arrCategory[i].get('strTitle') + ' Total : ' + arrCategory[i].get('numTotal') + '\n');
seems like arrCategory[i] is not a category model anymore... wtf
Would someone know what is going on?
The doc says:
The LocalStorageProxy uses the new HTML5 localStorage API to save Model data locally on the client browser. HTML5 localStorage is a key-value store (e.g. cannot save complex objects like JSON), so LocalStorageProxy automatically serializes and deserializes data when saving and retrieving it.
Let's say you have a model object:
var category = Ext.create('My.Category', { ... });
This object will be serialized to a JSON string to be persisted in the db. But JSON objects can not have functions, only properties are converted to JSON. That's why you get back a broken object.
You can use this sample code to prove it to yourself:
var o = {foo: 'bar', fn: function() {console.log('Hey!')}};
console.log(o); // => Object {foo: "bar", fn: function}
var json = Ext.encode(o);
console.log(json); // => {"foo":"bar","fn":null}
var o2 = Ext.decode(json);
console.log(o2); // => Object {foo: "bar", fn: null}
Note that the function is lost as soon as the JSON encoding step.