I'm trying to get qmake to produce a makefile which does not include -arch i386
in CFLAGS/LFLAGS and so far I'm not succeeding. I tried the following:
QMAKE_CFLAGS-="-arch i386"
and a couple of other variations. The only one that does work is removing x86.prf
from mkspecs/features/mac
but I don't think it's a proper solution.
The current commandline looks approximately like this:
qmake -makefile -nocache CONFIG-=release CONFIG+=Debug CONFIG+=mac
QMAKE_MAKEFILE=makefile_mac_Debugx64 QMAKE_LFLAGS="<...>"
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS="<..>" QMAKE_CFLAGS="<...>" QTVER=4.8.4 project.pro
Tentative solution (need to verify a few things to confirm it, but seems to work):
1) make a separate build of Qt for x64 only, i.e.:
./configure -platform macx-g++42 -arch x64 -debug-and-release <...>
2) use qmake
from that build to generate x64 makefiles.
It apparently still needs CONFIG-=x86
but that looks to be enough to prevent stray -arch i386
in the generated makefiles.