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How do I pull a specific variable from the SqlDataReader?

I'm working on a currency conversion project, now I've built a little script to pull the conversion rates and descriptions out of my database, but I can't seem to find a way to pull the variable (Rate) out of the string the datareader has created.

Here is the code snippet:

            if (reader.HasRows)
                //The reader will only read the rows if the ISO code matches the options avalible within the DB
                Console.WriteLine("Result Found!");
                while (reader.Read())
                    Console.WriteLine("Rate: {0}\t Conversion Rate: {1}",
                                      reader[0], reader[1]);

Now I want the Rate variable which is a decimal without having to convert it or shove it in an adapter (I'm new at C#).

tl;dr I want the output from "Rate: {0}" alone so I can use it to convert the currency's.

Any ideas?


  • have you tried

    reader.ReadField<type>("fieldname") ?

    EDIT: Wow, I can't believe I forgot that this was not part of SqlDataReader :p, I was just looking at my implementation... code for this:


    public static T ReadField<T>(this IDataReader reader, String fieldname)
        return DB.ReaderField<T>(reader, fieldname);


    public static T ReaderField<T>(IDataReader reader, String fieldname)
            int idx = reader.GetOrdinal(fieldname);
            if (reader.IsDBNull(idx))
                return (T)default(T);
                object o = reader.GetValue(idx);
                    return (T)Convert.ChangeType(o, typeof(T));
                    return (T)default(T);
        catch { }
        return (T)default(T);

    Sorry about the confusion :)