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Adding drop downs and multi select to lists programmatically in SP 2010

I am attempting to create two lists that are linked to each other, programmatically, on activation of my web part.

public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
    SPWeb spWeb = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb;
    if (spWeb != null)
        // Create our Lists
        spWeb.Lists.Add("Memeber Records", "Holds a list of Memebers", SPListTemplateType.GenericList);
        spWeb.Lists.Add("Certification", "Certifications and Their Descriptions", SPListTemplateType.GenericList);

        SPList list = spWeb.Lists["Memeber Records"];
        SPList certList = spWeb.Lists["Certification"];

        // Add Outr Fields
        list.Fields.Add("Memebr ID", SPFieldType.Integer, true);
        list.Fields.Add("Memeber Name", SPFieldType.Text, true);
        // were missing a item - a drop down with static content such as: Association, Company, Head Office
        list.Fields.Add("Memeber Certification", SPFieldType.Lookup, false);


        certList.Fields.Add("Certfication Title", SPFieldType.Text, true);
        certList.Fields.Add("Description", SPFieldType.Text, true); // This one should be a text box allowing 256 characters


As you can see I am needing your help to figure out how to create a couple more things:

  • I need a drop down with static content in it as a field. But .Fields.Add() doesn't have a drop down feature in list
  • certList's second field is suppose to be a text box with up to 250 characte's if not more.
  • How do I link certList to list such that when selecting a member certification it pulls from the certtList

Is there anything else that I am missing to have this work upon activation of this web part? I scoped it to site but when deploying (when I created the project, I selected) its Farm instead of Sandbox


  • Have you tried using the choice field. The list.Fields.Add has a overload where you can populate the choices too. I haven't tried it but this is specifically for choice fields.