The default ExtJS configuration doesn't allow title bar buttons to show correctly in IE 8. I have not tested in IE 9. How can I fix this?
Internet Explorer 8:
Mozilla Firefox 15:
I've tried adding a tbar > style > height config of the 1st button to '200px'. That just makes the 1st button get huge, but the 2nd and 3rd remain the same. Even if I set the same height in all 3 buttons, the buttons are still partially hidden in IE 8. If you know how to set the style of the tbar itself, I can attempt that. I can't figure that out though.
tbar: [{
text: 'Create HEAT Project',
style: {
border: 'solid',
height: '200px'
Internet Explorer 8:
Mozilla Firefox 15:
This CSS fixed it in Internet Explorer!
<style media="screen" type="text/css">
.x-nlg .x-toolbar-default {
background-image: url(../blank.png) !important;