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Use javascript to remove characters from a string based on a whitelist

I can't seem to find the answer to this. I would like a generic function that allows me to remove all characters from a string that do not exist in a whitelist of characters.

var validChars = "0123456789%-"
var stringToTest = "The result is -2,003% of the total"

I'd like a function that would produce the result: -2,003%

Thanks for any help. AD


  • "I would like a generic function"

    OK, like this:

    function removeChars(validChars, inputString) {
        var regex = new RegExp('[^' + validChars + ']', 'g');
        return inputString.replace(regex, '');
    var newString = removeChars('01234567890%-', "The result is -2,003% of the total");

    The new RegExp() part creates (for your particular input) a regex like this:


    Note that for this to work the way you intend a hyphen in the list of valid characters would need to be last in the list - you could add some extra code to test for this and move it. Also if the white list contained other characters that have special meaning to regular expressions (e.g., ]) you'd have to escape them. I leave such details as an exercise for the reader...