I am a Java beginner, using Eclipse. I am trying to understand the NASA World Wind package. Specifically code that looks like this:
protected WorldWindow wwd;
protected StatusBar statusBar;
protected ToolTipController toolTipController;
protected HighlightController highlightController;
When I mouse over "WorldWindow" it says
Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found.
The code compiles and runs, though.
However, it points to a package in a JAR file. I can find the class it is referring to. But I cannot read the class file. When I double click on it, I get "Source not found" in the Class File Editor.
I want to understand how this code works. How can I read the class files within the JAR?
The project you are using is open source, so you have a few options at this point.