(I am a complete beginner when it comes to any back-end development so I apologise if any terms are used wrong)
I have some javascript controlling a canvas game and I have a prolog planner which can solve the game. I am now trying to connect the two and have set up a flask server which can successfully call prolog, get the correct plan and send it back to the javascript. I am really struggling with getting the right inputs from the javascript.
var state = {
state : "[stone(s1),active(s1), stone(s2), in(app2,s2), unlocked(app2)]"
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: state,
dataType: 'json',
success:function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
alert(JSON.stringify(state)); //making sure I sent the right thing
Flask server
//variables I use in the query at the moment
state = "[stone(s1),active(s1), stone(s2), in(app2,s2), unlocked(app2)]"
goal = "[in(app1,s1),in(app1,s2)]"
@app.route('/next_move', methods=['POST'])
def get_next_step():
own_state = request.json
r = own_state['state']
output = subprocess.check_output(['sicstus','-l','luger.pl','--goal','go('+state+','+goal+').'])
//I would like to use the string I got from my browser here
stripped = output.split('\n')
return jsonify({"plan": stripped})
//the correct plan is returned
I have seen the other questions regarding this, in fact the attempt I posted is from flask request.json order, but I keep getting 400 (BAD REQUEST). I'm guessing flask changed since then? I know it sends the json correctly because if I don't try to touch it I get the success message in my browser, so it is purely my inability to access its fields or to find any examples.
What you're sending through POST is not JSON. It's just a set of key value pairs and as such you should just send it through as that. And get it out using request.form
In your case I would also not use jQuery's $.ajax
and use $.post
Here is the code:
function(data) {
@app.route('/next_move', methods=['POST'])
def get_next_step():
own_state = request.form
r = own_state['state']
print r
return jsonify({"plan": "something"})