Resharper certainly thinks so, and out of the box it will nag you to convert
Dooberry dooberry = new Dooberry();
var dooberry = new Dooberry();
Is that really considered the best style?
It's of course a matter of style, but I agree with Dare: C# 3.0 Implicit Type Declarations: To var or not to var?. I think using var instead of an explicit type makes your code less readable.In the following code:
var result = GetUserID();
What is result? An int, a string, a GUID? Yes, it matters, and no, I shouldn't have to dig through the code to know. It's especially annoying in code samples.
Jeff wrote a post on this, saying he favors var. But that guy's crazy!
I'm seeing a pattern for stackoverflow success: dig up old CodingHorror posts and (Jeopardy style) phrase them in terms of a question.