I am trying to implement our CRUD interface using the C# MongoDB Driver. Our update method is supposed to throw an error if the record (with the same id as the passed-in model) does not exist.
I know MongoCollection.Save can update a document based on the id, but it will also insert. I do not want to insert under any circumstances.
I also want to avoid manually forming an update by specifying every member.
I also want to avoid calling the mongo database twice E.g.;
I am looking for something as close as possible to this:
var result = myCollection.Update(myModel, WriteConcern.Acknowledged);
//result will have an error if a document with Id==myModel.Id did not pre-exist
I would also be happy with somthing akin to:
var query = Query<MyModel>.EQ(m => m.Id, myModel.Id);
var update = Update<MyModel>.SetDocument(myModel);
var result = myCollection.Update(query, update, WriteConcern.Acknowledged);
Is there a 'proper' way to do this? If not, what mind-boggling alternative pattern to 'CRUD my models' am I supposed to use with Mongo DB?
Is there something I can set in MongoInsertOptions to achieve this (btw, if you create your own MongoInsertOptions, how do you initialize it with the defaults which would normally be used)?
Is there some hack way to do it?
Thank you.
Is Replace
what you are looking for?
var query = Query<MyModel>.EQ(m => m.Id, myModel.Id);
var update = Update<MyModel>.Replace(myModel);
var result = myCollection.Update(query, update, WriteConcern.Acknowledged);
And as Asya said, this will not perform an insert unless you explicitly use UpdateFlags.Upsert
In MongoDB C# Driver 2.x, replace is now achieved by a method on IMongoCollection
await myCollection.ReplaceOneAsync(m => m.Id == myModel.Id, myModel);