We moved our project to latest YUI version and some problem which should be trivial became night mare.
Goal: Click on 'back to top' element need to move our users to top element
Animated Scroll inside Firefox doesn't work any more. There is the code:
navElem.on('click', function(el){
var y = 1000;
anim.set('to', { scroll: [0, y - Y.one('.fixed_header').get('scrollHeight')] });
This code works in Google Chrome.
I have read somewhere that 'scroll
' as anim
option was removed with new version.
If we can't use anim
anymore, how can we created an animated scroll?
As noted in the comments, you should point Anim's node
attribute to "win" rather than "body", ie:
var anim = new Y.Anim({
duration: 0.5,
node: 'win',
easing: 'easeBoth',
to: {
scroll: [0, 0]
YUI then knows how to normalize across browsers which node to scroll.