I'm new to javascript (and jQuery) so bear with me.
I want the user to be able to type in a number on a textbox and each time the user enters another value (keypress, keydown, keyup) the code executes and calculates the new value.
Here's a jsFiddle
My problem is that the textbox won't let me enter more than one value. How do I keep entering more values?
jQuery (1.9.1)
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.conv').keyup(function() {
var valx = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-val'));
var classes = parseInt($('.conv').length);
for (var i=1;classes;i++) {
var x = 'a' + i;
var theval = document.getElementById(x);
var z = parseFloat($('#' + x).attr('data-val'));
$('#' + x).val(z / valx);
if (i == classes) {
Again...here's a jsFiddle if you want to edit
You seem to be overwriting even the value of the textbox that generated the event..
$('#' + x).val(z / valx);
$('#' + x).not(this).val(z / valx);
The reason is you are always reading the value from
var valx = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-val'));
instead of
var valx = parseFloat($(this).val());