There is a list of projects here, mainly the Facebook Developer Toolkit and Facebook.NET. However, I've seen a lot of negative feedback about the toolkit and it seems like Facebook.NET hasn't been upgraded to the latest facebook API.
Are either of these worth using? Any other good libraries out there?
Specifically I'm looking to use the library in a ASP.NET MVC application.
Just saw that this was released today: The Facebook SDK from Microsoft.
This toolkit is provided as a Facebook Client Library similar to Facebook's PHP Client Library or Facebook's JavaScript library. The goal is to enable .NET developers to quickly and easily leverage the various features of the Facebook Platform. This toolkit has evolved over time with input from the community and from Microsoft. The latest release (v3.0) includes new architectural improvements and provides an asynchronous interface for using the toolkit from Silverlight and from WPF.
Looks like the best option out there now for .NET deleveopers.