I am trying to get the serveragent from perfmon for jmeter running on a Windows Server where i cant install Java the description below descripes how to do but i cant read out what ment is with "create yourself the Agent package which includes ist own JRE?" i ve downloaded the newest file from java.com but its a installer was that ment with it?
Ref: http://code.google.com/p/jmeter-plugins/wiki/PerfMonAgent
The agent is written in Java, so you will need JRE 1.4+ to run it. Note you can create yourself the agent package which includes its own JRE so you don't have to install java on the server (We tested it on windows platform). To do this, just create a JRE folder in the agent folder and copy one installed JRE inside. Change the java command inside the .bat file to the path to the java executable and it will work.
Install the Java on another machine (JDK+JRE).
Copy contents of folder in Windows > Program Files > Java > jre-XXXX to the agent folder
Edit the PerfMon agent .bat file and change it to match the java in the new jre folder you created at previous step