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How to check if a model's association is dependent with another

I want to debug a messy app and I want to see the effective model configuration

Is there a way to see what rails know about a model in terms of its associations?

for example - if I have

class User

has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy


I'd like to see that rails know that it will call the destroy action in the comment controller if destroy action is called in users controller

Is there a way to see in rails console?


  • got it,

    it can be done with


    which results in

        User(id: integer, ...)
       @options={:dependent=>:destroy, :extend=>[]},

    which, as you can see, gives you the type of association (has_many), what it is called (:comments), the options and the plural name.

    I am in :love: with this method :)