I'm newly hired junior programmer, and I'm new in c++ world with no background in linux or networks. We are using gcc 4.7.3 and ubuntu 11.04. I need to know how to transfer file from my local desktop (example /home/username/desktop
) to a samba (example smb://
or smb://username/folder
). First, I'm trying to do this (if I can access it)
QDir dir("smb://");
if (!dir.exists()) {
QMessageBox::about(NULL, "DIR", "dir does not exists");
QMessageBox::about(NULL, "DIR", "dir exists");
and the result is "does not exist". Can someone show me how to transfer files from my local desktop to an smb://
You can not do that QFile just spports local files but you can mount it to a posix folder and access to that folder.
You can find a guide about how to mount a samba shared folder here