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Knockout.js is returning an undefined event for the focus binding in Internet Explorer

I am attempting to use Knockout.js and the jQuery autosize plugin for a comment stream system. Basically, when a comment input is focused, I use the Knockout.js event binding shown below:

data-bind="event: {focus: $parent.autosize, blur: $parent.resize}"

In my model, I implement the autosize function as follows:

$self.autosize = function(data, event) {
    var textarea = $(;

From what I can tell, however, event is undefined, and I am unable to use it to find the textarea so that I can call autosize() on it. I am also unable to query the textarea's attributes, and when I use console.log to find the value of event I am given undefined back.

This only appears to be happening in Internet Explorer. Particularly version 8-9. IE 10 as well as Chrome, Firefox, etc. work as expected. Is there a known issue with Knockout.js event binding and Internet Explorer in this manner?


  • In IE you would need to access event.srcElement rather than So, you could do var textArea = $( || event.srcElement);

    A more "Knockout" like solution though would be to add a quick custom binding that would keep that logic out of your view model like:

    ko.bindingHandlers.autosize = {
      init: function(element) {
          ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "focus", function() {
          ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "resize", function() {
               //whatever you call here

    Then, just put data-bind="autosize: true" on your element.