We have to connect to a scanner and perform some functions from our Java application. The customer has provided us Win32 Scanner Library Specification.
Example: BOOL GetScannerInfo(ScannerInfo *scanner)
Structure ScannerInfo is defined in a header file.
#define scannerMAX 10 // Maximum number of connected scanners
typedef struct{
int count;// -> Number of scanners connected
BYTE host_no[scannerMAX]; // -> Host adapter number
BYTE scsi_id[scannerMAX]; // -> SCSI ID of the scanner
For example, if two scanners, SCSI IDs 1 and 2, are connected to one host adapter, the return values will be as follows:
host_no[0]=0, host_no[1]=0
scsi_id[0]=1, scsi_id[1]=2
Now, we have to call this function and get scanner related information from Java. Got started with JNA for the first time and here is the code.
public interface ScannerInterface extends Library {
public boolean GetScannerInfo(?);
/* ? = They have a pointer of a custom object.What should be passed here
public static void main(String[] args) {
ScannerInterface lib = (ScannerInterface) Native.loadLibrary("in64.dll",
I am stuck on how to pass the parameters that the Win32 function expects from JNA.
You can define the Java class ScannerInfo
that maps to your struct like this:
public interface ScannerInterface extends Library {
public static class ScannerInfo extends Structure {
public static class ByReference
extends ScannerInfo
implements Structure.ByReference {}
public int count;
public byte[] host_no = new byte[10];
public byte[] scsi_id = new byte[10];
public int GetScannerInfo(ScannerInfo.ByReference scanner);
Then call it like this:
ScannerInterface lib = (ScannerInterface) Native.loadLibrary("in64.dll",
ScannerInterface.ScannerInfo.ByReference scanner =
new ScannerInterface.ScannerInfo.ByReference();
int retval = lib.GetScannerInfo(scanner);
// check retval in case of error
int count = scanner.count;
// etc. etc.