I am using the input box from visual basic in c# and I couldn't figure out how I know what button has been pressed. The input box return the string that has been written. How I know if the cancel button has been clicked or the OK button?
Thank you very much for the help, I didn't find the answer :)
This is what I tried:
string notineName = Interaction.InputBox("Enter the notice name:", "Enter notice name", "");
If you have another way to do input box ( I wanted to make my own but I don't know how to return what button has been clicked) please write it here.
As an alternative you could use dialog boxes.
InputDialog dialog = new InputDialog("Caption Here", "Label Text Here", "Default Textbox String");
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
string result_text = dialog.ResultText;
// use result_text...
// user cancelled out, do something...
Here an enum result determines what button was selected.