In this example If I animate the div red it makes a strange movement to the right. I think the problem comes only with Firefox, the div is right, there is a scroll bar and position fixed.
(If I use position absolute I solve the movement. But If the user scrolls, the div moves, and it should be "fixed" to the right, bottom)
Please check it here:
<div id="blue"></div>
<div id="red"></div>
#red {
position: fixed; /* fixed genera el problema */
bottom: 20px; right:25px;
width:80px; height:50px;
#blue {
margin:0 auto;
width:80px; height:500px;
$("#red").click(function() {
Image 1: Original position
Image 2: When someone clicks it moves right and then down. It should only moves down
It looks like a workaround was found, change the fixed box's position to absolute and put it inside another fixed position div: CSS fixed position movement under scrollbar in Firefox
Also, there is an open bug on this issue: CSS position fixed no longer factors in scrollbar after hover
UPDATE: A better workaround was found, use min-width instead of width for the fixed box: