Are there line styles in the works for dashed lines, dotted lines, etc.?
I know you can add/remove the point by setting the vertexColor to null like in this example:
LineAndPointFormatter blueFormat = new LineAndPointFormatter(Color.rgb(30,144,255), null, null);
however, I haven't been able to find a quick property setting like "setDottedLine(true)" or something to that extent in the javadoc. I suppose I could graph every 10 points and drop every 10 while I'm parsing, but that might be a little more overhead than needed.
Is there a work around or a trick to create a dashed line using LineAndPointFormatter or by setting some other widget property?
Figured it out..
There is a constructor for LineAndPointFormatter:
So to draw a dashed line, you would then use a snippet like this:
Paint dashPaint = new Paint();
dashPaint.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] {10,5}, 0));
LineAndPointFormatter redDash = new LineAndPointFormatter(dashPaint.getColor(), null, null);