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List of Services for Open Graph Protocol

Reference that I found here:
Do services other than Facebook use Open Graph?

And of course searching a bit through the internet - mostly self written resources from blogs that contained no direct cited information / links. However, I didn't find any direct answers of a reasonably (decent) list available anywhere.

I also reviewed as a comparison for's Microdata, but no list:
OpenGraph or

What are some services that also use OGP besides Facebook?


  • Here are some web services that "consume" the Open Graph Protocol (OGP), besides Facebook:

    • Google Search uses OGP (among other standards) to display rich snippets in search results. See their Structured Data Testing Tool.
    • Google+ also takes advantage of OGP.
    • Twitter uses OGP for Twitter Cards. "When the Twitter card processor looks for tags on your page, it first checks for the Twitter property, and if not present, falls back to the supported Open Graph property."
    • Bing uses OGP for displaying rich search results. See their webmaster help docs.
    • uses OGP according to Yammer's dev. docs. This also means that every service that uses will also benefit from OGP.
    • Mixi (popular Japanese social site) seems to use OGP. Check their dev. docs.
    • Yandex seems to index OGP for videos at least. Here is their help docs (in Russian).
    • Blekko seems to use OGP according to the answer by its CTO :)
    • Socialcast (vmware) seems to support it according to this blog post.