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How can I check meta data between 2 document using script?

I am looking for a script can check Physical file id of a document and compare it to another one. For example, I have some images named xxx_01.tif, xxx_02.tif... (they already had their own Raw data), I always need to save as a swatch (named xxx_sw.tif) from xxx_01 file to keep the Raw data but sometimes I created from xxx_02 and it didn't match.

Is there any way to check and alert if "Physical file id" of sw file doesn't match to 01's ?

Reply @GhoulFool:

var srcDoc = app.activeDocument;
var ctpath = srcDoc.path;
var ctname =

var rawData1 = srcDoc.xmpMetadata.rawData;
var idCT = find_original_document_ID(rawData1);

function find_original_document_ID(str)
  var regEx = new RegExp(".+xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID.+", "gim");
  var result = str.match(regEx);

  if (result != null)
    return result;

.getFiles(function(v) {'_bustfront1') + 1 && open(v)})

var doc2 = app.activeDocument;
var fName =;
var rawData2 = doc2.xmpMetadata.rawData;
var id01 = find_original_document_ID(rawData2);

function find_original_document_ID(str)
  var regEx = new RegExp(".+xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID.+", "gim");
  var result = str.match(regEx);

  if (result != null)

    return result;

// I am stuck here, alert always shows even it true or false
if (idCT == id01) {}
else {alert (ctname +  idCT + '\n' + '\n' + fName + id01)}


  • If by phyiscal id you mean OriginalDocumentID then yes It can be found with app.activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData

    There are probably better ways to get the ID from the XML, but you get the idea.

    // call the source document
    var srcDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var rawData = srcDoc.xmpMetadata.rawData;
    var id = find_original_document_ID(rawData);
    function find_original_document_ID(str)
      var regEx = new RegExp("\<xmpMM\:DocumentID.+", "gim"); //whole line
      var result = str.match(regEx);
      if (result != null)
        var justID = result.toString();
        // <xmpMM:DocumentID>xmp.did:8731d1f4-07fb-084b-b66c-ecd397cc0b21</xmpMM:DocumentID>
        // <xmpMM:DocumentID>adobe:docid:photoshop:2ca50ad0-bdcb-534e-8720-4d1f0f32fe9c</xmpMM:DocumentID>
        justID = justID.replace(/\<\/?xmpMM\:DocumentID\>/g, "");
        return justID;

    It should just be a matter of comparing ID1 == ID2 after that.

    • I've updated the function and it now returns the ID as a string without the xmpMM:DocumentID tags. Still need to do research on that as those IDs come in various flavours.