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XML, XML Stylesheets XQuery: book and development environment

I'm completely new to XML Schema, XML Stylesheets and XQuery.

To me, XML is just a text file just containing tags and values. I know that much, lol.

I just got a homework asking us to design simple XML Schemas, and also applying Stylesheets and XQuery.

Could anyone please point me to:

  1. "Best" books/resources (based on your experience) that would teach me XML Schema, XML Stylesheet, and XQuery. (Would be awesome if it's example-driven since I learn best by doing).
  2. What development environment (IDE, tools) that would allow me to solve the homework in the most productive way.

I know it's a school assignment, but I want to do the assignment like how professionals do it so I can gain a lot from the assignment.


  • Okay, as for the tools, these probably could do (each website also has resources (videos/tutorials) on how to use their tools)