In java, what are the suggested ways to implement the two thread requirements
For 2, I understand that having a future object would be a better approach. So to implement the above two requirements below is a code I came up with
class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
MyRunnable myRunnable = new MyRunnable ();
FutureTask futureTask = new FutureTask(myRunnable, null);
Thread myThread = new MyThread(futureTask, "processing-thread");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e)
This seems to be a lot of code for simple stuff. Any better ways?
Note - Using executorService is not an option since I have threads which are not doing similar tasks. Also executorService accepts a thread name prefix instead of a thread name. I want to give each thread a unique name.
Using executorService is not an option since I have threads which are not doing similar tasks.
I don't see how this would matter.
Also executorService accepts a thread name prefix instead of a thread name. I want to give each thread a unique name.
So give each thread a name with a ThreadFactory. I have a class which I call a NamedThreadFactory.
I suspect what you would like the thread to do is reflect what the task is doing.
You can do this
ExecutorService es = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
es.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Thread.currentThread().setName("Working on task A");
try {
System.out.println("Running: "+Thread.currentThread());
} finally {
Thread.currentThread().setName("parked worker thread");
Running: Thread[Working on task A,5,main]
BTW There is no point starting a thread and immediately waiting for it to finish. You may as well use the current thread.