The question I wish to ask is succintly given in the title. Let me give an example of the grammar in question:
: identifier
| identifier_list identifier;
: '(' identifier_list ')'
| identifier;
: lambda_arguments '=>' expression
Then we add in the normal C expression grammar- particularly,
: '(' expression ')'
| identifier
| lambda;
The real question is, is this grammar LALR(1) parsable, i.e., capable of being parsed by automated parser generators? Or does it require a hand-rolled or GLR parser? Note that I wish to know specifically about this subsection, not the context-sensitive keywords stuff or any other section.
What I'm thinking right now is that if the parser sees '(' identifier ')'
, this has two valid parses, so if the parser sees identifier
, looks ahead to ')'
, it won't be able to decide which parse tree to go down. This could just be a shift/reduce conflict, though, that I could eliminate by assigning some arbitrary precedence (probably favouriing '(' identifier ')'
Edit: Actually, I was considering stealing using this subsection of the grammar for a similar feature in a new language. I already have anonymous functions similar to JavaScript in grammatical form but my guinea pigs squeaks feedback complains they are too verbose for many uses, and pointed out the C# lambda expressions as a more ideal solution. I was concerned about potential ambiguity resulting from this solution. So, really, I was only interested in that subsection. The other stuff like generics and casts are non-issues for me.
Previous editions of my grammar are mechanically parsable and I wouldn't want to lose this property, and my previous experience with a mechanical generator tells me that it's best to check here rather than try myself. For my hand-rolled parser, I could of course simply special case '(' identifier
to look ahead a bit further than normal.
An expression grammar augmented with C#-style lambdas is not LALR(1), but it's probably LALR(2). Consequently, it is possible (though not necessarily trivial) to produce an equivalent LALR(1) grammar: see edit below.
You're going to get a reduce/reduce conflict on the input:
( id )
because id
can either be reduced to identifier_list
or to expression
(indirectly, in the second case), and the parser cannot tell which one is correct based on one lookahead token ()
It could tell based on two lookahead tokens, since the identifier_list
reduction is only possible if the second next token is =>
, and as long as =>
is not an operator in your language, the expression
reduction is not possible if the second next token is =>
. So I think it's probably LALR(2), although I can't say that with certainty.
The case where there is more than one identifier is not problematic, since in
( id1 id2 )
id1 id2
cannot be reduced to an expression (in most expression languages; yours may, of course, differ). The case where a single unparenthesized identifier is immediately followed by =>
is also not problematic provided that `=>' is not a valid operator.
I neglected to mention in my original answer that there is no such thing as an LALR(2) language. The language recognized by a LALR(2) grammar is also recognized by some LALR(1) grammar. In fact, there is a constructive proof of this assertion, which allows the mechanical creation of such an LALR(1) grammar, along with a procedure to recover the original parse tree.
In this case, it's even simpler to generate an LALR(1) grammar, since as mentioned above there is only one production which requires additional lookahead. The solution is to delay the reduction by one token. In other words, in the original grammar includes something like:
primary: '(' expression ')'
lambda_parameters: '(' id_list ')'
where both id_list
and expression
derive the terminal ID
. Aside from ID
, the derivations of these two non-terminals are disjoint, so we could resolve the issue as follows:
primary: '(' expression_not_id ')'
| '(' ID ')'
lambda_parameters: '(' id_list_not_id ')'
| '(' ID ')'
It remains only to divide the productions for expression
and id_list
so as to separate out the ID
case, which turns out to be not very difficult. Below is a simplified example, which could be easily extended; it's restricted to addition, multiplication and function application (which I included to demonstrate that the two comma-separated lists are not a problem):
%start expr
primary: primary_not_id | ID ;
term: term_not_id | ID ;
sum: sum_not_id | ID ;
expr: expr_not_id | ID ;
expr_list: expr | expr_list ',' expr ;
arguments: '(' ')' | '(' expr_list ')' ;
ids: ID ',' ID | ids ',' ID ;
parameters: '(' ID ')' | '(' ids ')' ;
primary_not_id: LITERAL
| '(' expr_not_id ')'
| '(' ID ')'
| primary arguments
term_not_id: primary_not_id
| term '*' primary
sum_not_id: term_not_id
| sum '+' term
expr_not_id: sum_not_id
| parameters RIGHT_ARROW expr
Note: The grammar in the OP produces lambdas with multiple parameters as a sequence of identifiers not separated by commas: (a b) => a + b
. I think that the actual intention was to use commas: (a, b) => a + b
, and that's what I did in the above grammar. The difference is important if your language has a comma operator, as the C family does, because in that case an expression might be '(' expression_list ')'
, which conflicts with a lambda parameter list. A naïve implementation would result in a reduce/reduce conflict on the first expression
in the expression_list
which cannot be resolved with finite lookahead, since the expression_list
could be arbitrarily long.
There is a solution for this case as well, though: it consists of separating id_list
from expression_list
, something like the following:
id_list: ID
| id_list ',' ID
expression_list_not_id_list: expression_not_id
| id_list ',' expression_not_id
| expression_list_not_id_list ',' expression
expression_list: expression_list_not_id_list
| id_list
I didn't do a full grammar, though, since I have no idea what the target language requires.