I'm trying to make a generic procedure to change the visible property of "X" control object to "False/True" just by calling this procedure with the arguments you can see:
' Desired usage:
' Disable_Controls(CheckBox, Me.Panel1.Controls, False)
Public Sub Disable_Controls(ByVal ControlType As Control, _
ByVal Container As ControlCollection, _
ByVal Visible As Boolean)
For Each Control As Control In Container
' If TypeOf Control Is CheckBox then...
If TypeOf Control Is Control Then
Control.Visible = Visible
End If
End Sub
The problem is I can't pass the control name ("Checkbox") like I'm trying to do it, I've tried some things using "CType(Control, CheckBox)" but did not work.
How I can do that?
Public Sub Disable_Controls(Of T As Control)(ByVal Container As Control, _
ByVal Visible As Boolean)
For Each ctrl As T In Container.Controls.OfType(Of T)()
ctrl.Visible = Visible
End Sub
Call it like this:
Disable_Controls(Of Checkbox)(MyGroupbox, False)