I'm trying to integrate JCrop into a modal of bootstrap. Despite this detail, it seems that the problem resides in the fact that the image is being downloaded "dynamically". I mean:
1) The form is submitted by AJAX:
$('#postFileForm').ajaxForm({ success: afterPost });
2) The 'afterPost' function is being called correctly. This function has as parameter the returned text from the server:
function afterPost(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) {
3) This text is returned from server:
<img src='xxx' alt='yyy' id='cropbox' />
I assume that, when I insert via html jQuery method the image is being added to the DOM and I can work with it. If I debug with Chrome just after the moment of inserting the image, it can be normally retrieved by jQuery:
$("#cropbox").attr('src') //returns the source, f.e
But the cropping doesn't work. It seems that something happens because the style attribute it's like:
style='display:none; visibility:hidden; width:...'
I thought that it may be something related to css (according to the fact that I'm using it with Bootstrap) but if I remove the part where the image is dynamically downloaded and I just put it his place everything works right.
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Please, excuse me.
I want to apologize with all of you for wasting your time :). JCrop binds his controls with the first available element that the jQuery selector returns.
What was happenning in this case it's that I had the same class in two places, and I wasn't pointing it in the selector.
$(".downloadedContent").html(responseText) must be something like $("#someDiv .downloadedContent).
JCrop was attaching to a hiden div, and that was all the story.
Thanks for your help.