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Where is this repository prompt coming from in new juno install?

I just reinstalled Eclipse Juno. I've had many eclipse installations over the years, but I thought this was a fresh one. Obviously not that fresh. This window keeps prompting me for a login. The hostname it's listing as a repository is no longer used for anything, but it might have been an old subversion repository. I've combed through all the preferences and can't find anything that might be doing this.

One hint is that a change I made to a file to eliminate a compile error did not "take". The offending line is gone, but the error won't go away. It acts like the file did not get changed after all. Maybe related -- maybe not.

Where is this coming from? How do I stop it from prompting me? I have to hit cancel 3 times before it goes away. It recurs with agonizing fury when I try to close a project. This is driving me crazy.

I installed a recent version of JBOss Tools along with this. Jboss Dev Studio 6.0.1 which contains jboss tools 3.4.

enter image description here


  • Andre and I discussed this a bit more over on and we concluded this is related to my version control. The host mentioned in the prompt is our former SVN repository.

    I never did find anything untoward configured on my project, but I probably missed it and in the meantime re-installed everything, reimported the projects and the problem went away.

    I have since upgraded to JBDS 7 and the problem hasn't recured yet, but then again I didn't yet install subclipse. I've just done that 5 min ago. If the problem recurs, I will hunt for answers in the project Team->SVN preferences.