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Eclipse Juno - Constant crash (805306369) when highlighting anything

Whenever I mouse over any imported.. anything in Juno, Eclipse immediately hangs.

Editing Java files - types, classes, annotations, the import itself - mousing over anything to view the javadoc will instantly hang eclipse.
Also happens with auto-completes if the popup stays open for more than a second.

Here's the error:
Juno Error 805306369


java version "1.7.0_15"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_15-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)

The latest Eclipse Juno (Java EE) 64bit
Win7 x64.

There shouldn't be any incompatibilities there (All x64).

Looking around the proposed fixes are either related to Java 6, or say to delete Mylyn, which I've done but no fix.

This error happens consistently every single time.

Edit: And to make things more annoying, the log in the .metadata folder is empty.
I'm assuming I'm missing something obvious as the exact same setup on my other laptop works fine. And searching just gets me unreadable mailing lists, or bug trackers saying it's fixed - when clearly it's not in this case.


  • Warning: the solution described below corrected the problem on my computer, but the problem may not be the same on your computer... YMMV.

    So, the incriminated popups are displaying an HTML snippet. This snippet is rendered using mshtml.dll.

    The same mshtml.dll is used to render HTML Help files (files with extension .chm). On my computer, i discovered that i was not able to open any HTML Help file: the HTML Help Executable (hh.exe) was crashing at launch.

    After some more research (i won't go through all the details of the search), it appeared that the drivers for my display adapter, which is an nVidia GeForce 540M, were at fault. They were outdated, and their installation got probably corrupted.

    After updating the drivers, the system was back to normal: i can open HTML Help files again, and Eclipse is no more crashing when displaying those little HTML filled popups !

    So, the first step for you would be to check that you can open an HTML Help file correctly. Then you should check your display adapter driver installation... If it does not solve your problem, there can be many reasons for mshtml.dll file to crash, try to make something using mshtml.dll crash: this crash might give you more information than when eclipse brutally exits.

    (note that the corrupted drivers prevented the execution of the standard driver installer package downloaded from nVidia. I had to go to the device manager, open the properties for my display adapter, then click the "update driver" button. everything went smoothly, and automatically, from there)

    (note also that my system is running Windows 7 64-bit)