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Prevent more tap events on a listview (once tapped)

I have a list of items in a listview. Clicking on one li sends a JSON request and opens a description page.

Since the opening of the description page takes 1 or 2 seconds there is time to click on another item in the list which then triggers more events, which I don't want. This eventually makes the scrolling (with iscrollview) messy with the bottom bar going up and down when going back to the list.

How can I stop listening to more taps on the listview while processing the opening of the description page?


  • Without any to look at, it's very difficult for us to help you.

    However, the simplest method of avoiding this is to use a global variable as a flag.

    You would set the global variable (ie: in the root-level of your JavaSCript file), as false:

    tapProcessing = false;

    Then, whenever you start processing you, check against this flag and - if not true, then process.

    Here's a rudimentary example to show you what I mean:

            //the function is not processing, therefore set the flag to true:
            tapProcessing = true;
            //do your load/etc, and reset the flag to false in the callback (when finished):
            $.get("test.php", function(data) {
                // process your data here
                // set your flag back to false:
                tapProcessing = false;
            //the function is already being processed from a previous click
        e.preventDefault();  //assuming it's a link