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How do you insert your own graphics in Java 7

I am working on a game but I want to put my own graphics into Java. I am using Eclipse and Java 7. I was wondering of a library that can take care of that and help you use your own graphics.

Edit: What my goal is, is to draw an image, then put in into the program as an object.


  • Taking and manipulating existing images can be done with the Java Image class.

    First, declare an instance of the class (BufferedImage is a subclass of Image):

    private BufferedImage img = null;

    Then, you load the image like this:

        img = new File("MyPicture.jpg" ));
    catch ( IOException exc )
        //TODO: Handle exception.

    Finally, in the paint(Graphics) method of your code, you display the image like this:

    g.drawImage( img, x, y, this );

    Don't forget to write some code to handle the Exception. These things help you find and solve bugs more easily.

    The official tutorial is here.