I have a C++ function doSth that will call a function "checkFrame" from a class "canMsg" as shown below
#include "canMsg.h"
void doSth(char* canFrame){
map<int, double> returnedData;
CANMsg canMsg;
std::cout<<canFrame <<endl;
During compilation I receive no error, but when I run it, it executes std::cout<<canFrame <<endl;
statement and crashes by creating an error
undefined symbol: _ZNSaIcEC1Ev, version GLIBCXX_3.4
Any ideas how to fix this?
Thanks for the replies. The error was due to my attempt to return a locally declared pointer. After I changed the local pointer variable to a static, it works perfect. The basic idea is C++ does not advocate to return the address of a local variable to outside of the function.
Look this for more information.