I know that the title looks a bit bad :) But I dont know how to explain my problem..
This is typically a basic problem for me but I dont know answer..
I am writing a server application which is using eneter library for client-server communinication and also it has a DAL gets data from database. as it a server application, it always need to communicate with database, so I dont know which way is more effective. (approx, max 50 clients will be connected to server)
I am using entity framework and created a model from my mysql db.
the first code is here
private MyEntities ent;
public DbHelper()
ent = new MyEntities();
void Foo()
and second type code is
void Foo()
using (MyEntities ent = new MyEntities())
Can I use using statement or create a global instance variable for dal class and use it for each functions.. ?
Better yet, implement IDisposable on your DAL class:
public sealed class MyDal implements IDisposable
private MyEntities ent = new MyEntities();
void Foo()
public void Dispose()
using(var dal = new MyDal())
Take a read here about why my IDisposable is sealed.