In C++ you could write
Int getX() const { return x; }
Is there an equivalent method structure in Java using final?
What about passing const/ final modified arguments to methods?
Like this C++ code
void printX(const int x);
For the C++ example:
void printX(const int x);
you can use final
modifier in method parameters to indicate the parameter can't be modified inside the method:
void printX(final int x) {
x++; //compiler error since `x` is marked as final
Note that using final
modifier for object reference variables just means that the reference can't be modified, but its inner contents still can:
class Foo {
int x = 0;
class Bar {
changeFoo(final Foo foo) {
foo.x = foo.x + 1; //allowed even if `foo` is marked as final
foo = new Foo(); //compiler error...
From SJuan76 comment for this code
Int getX() const { return x; }
it tells that the class state is not modified when this method is called.
There's no way in Java to mark a method like this.