I'm trying to figure out the date from a week number (date would be week starting on [date]).
It works on the home page of the date.js website (see image), but I can't get it to work.
I'm using var date = Date.parse('week 5 2013');
, but that always returns today's date.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Angus
If you are not wedded to date.js it is pretty simple to calculate the nth week of a year-
The first week of a year begins on the first Monday of that year,
if the first week includes a thursday.
Otherwise the first week of a year (like 2013)
begins on the last Monday of the previous year.
function nthWeek(y, n){
if(y== undefined) y= new Date().getFullYear();
var start= new Date(y, 0, 1);
if(start.getDay()>4) start.setDate(start.getDate()+7);
while(start.getDay()!= 1) start.setDate(start.getDate()-1);
if(!n || n== 1) return start;
return start;
var s='week 4 2013';
var m=s.match(/(\d+)/g);
/* returned value: (Date) Mon Jan 21 2013 00:00:00 */