I get the following output when hitting the "run" or "debug" button in Android Studio:
Waiting for device. Target device: emulator-5554 (2.2) Uploading file local path: /Users/myname/Development/TestProject/Test/build/apk/Test-debug-unaligned.apk remote path: /data/local/tmp/nz.co.adbc.testproject Installing nz.co.adbc.testproject DEVICE SHELL COMMAND: pm install -r "/data/local/tmp/nz.co.adbc.testproject" pkg: /data/local/tmp/nz.co.adbc.testproject Success
Uploading file local path: /Users/myname/Development/TestProjectProject/actionbarsherlock/build/libs/actionbarsherlock-debug.aar remote path: /data/local/tmp/com.actionbarsherlock Local path doesn't exist.
Because of this error (in bold), it doesn't start the intent. Therefore I can't debug my app in Android Studio.
The app works fine otherwise. It still installs and runs fine (when launched manually from the app drawer).
Has anyone seen this error before and have any info on why it is trying to upload the aar file of actionbarsherlock? Shouldn't it just upload my apk which would include the aar?
Figured it out. My project was depending on both the aar and the project itself.
File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> Your Project -> Dependencies -> Uncheck the project (only depend on the aar)