I have created a ENTITY FRAMEWORK model of a CARS table and made two TPH entities on EDMX designer and named them OLD CAR and NEW CAR, have set me CARS table to Abstract.
Now, I am accessing the CARS entity from JQUERY and I can do the following:
but I am not able to CREATE (POST) or UPDATE (PUT) into the derived inherited entities, it gives me the following error " Types information must be specified for types which are inherited"
I have exposed all of my entities from WCF Data Services
below is my code;
function putData() {
var url = "http://localhost:55153/WebSite3/WcfDataService1.svc/Cars(2)";
var obj = '{"CarName": "Margalla", "CarModel" : "Honda"}';
var r = window.JSON.stringify(obj);
type: "PUT",
url: url,
data: obj,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (msg) {
alert("Updated successful");
error: function (msg) {
The problem here is that the server doesn't know which type of car you're trying to insert (or modify).
Try changing your payload to include the "odata.type" property. For example:
var obj = '{
"odata.type": "YourNamespace.OldCar",
"CarName": "Margalla",
"CarModel" : "Honda"
The "odata.type" property is specific to the new JSON format (v3 OData only), so I would also suggest including the "DataServiceVersion" header on the request to make it clear to the server that you are sending a v3 payload. For example:
beforeSend: function (request)
request.setRequestHeader("DataServiceVersion", "3.0");