I'm not sure if this is a proper way of creating a remove method for my circular list, also I'm having a problem with getting it to work for a 1 Node list.
public void remove() {
if(first.getNext() == null) {
first = null;
} else {
Node current = first;
for(int i = 0; i < getSize() - 1; i++) {
current = current.getNext();
first = first.getNext();
I have it working properly for lists that are greater than two, but I am not sure if this was the best way to tackle the problem. Does anyone have any suggestions for ways to improve this, as well as getting a one Node list to remove properly? Even though I set the first node to null, and the next Node to null as well, it still returns back my original input.
EDIT: For anyone who looks at this in the future, I just printed out a message saying that you cannot remove the element. As my assignment was quite ambiguous with what to do for it.
This can not work. I guess, it does not get to execute the follwoing part at all:
first = null;
The reason i sthat this would raise a NullpointerException. You first set the first
to null and than try to dereference the null
I will not provide you the exact code (as this is some kind of homework right? ;)), but check this pseudo code from wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doubly_linked_list):
function remove(List list, Node node)
if node.prev == null
list.firstNode := node.next
node.prev.next := node.next
if node.next == null
list.lastNode := node.prev
node.next.prev := node.prev
destroy node