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jQuery UI Spinner - Able to exceed `max` by keyboard

We are having issues with the jQuery UI spinner. When we set a max on the spinner, is is not possible to exceed this max when using the spinner button. However using the keyboard we can go to any number.

We need to allow users to use the keyboard as well though. Is there a standard solution for this in jQuery UI?

As you can see in this ( updated fiddle from Rab Nawaz, the blur always gets called, which is causing our logic to run twice.


  • EDIT: to handle negative numbers. Thanks to Rzassar for pointing it out.

    You can use oninput event: { 'keyup paste' for older browsers which don't support it }

    Demo jsFiddle

        max: 10,
        min: -10
    }).on('input', function () {
        if ($(this).data('onInputPrevented')) return;
        var val = this.value,
            $this = $(this),
            max = $this.spinner('option', 'max'),
            min = $this.spinner('option', 'min');
        // We want only number, no alpha. 
        // We set it to previous default value.         
        if (!val.match(/^[+-]?[\d]{0,}$/)) val = $(this).data('defaultValue');
        this.value = val > max ? max : val < min ? min : val;
    }).on('keydown', function (e) {
        // we set default value for spinner.
        if (!$(this).data('defaultValue')) $(this).data('defaultValue', this.value);
        // To handle backspace
        $(this).data('onInputPrevented', e.which === 8 ? true : false);