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filtering an ArrayList using an object's field

I have an ArrayList which is filled by Objects.

My object class called Article which has two fields ;

public class Article {

    private int codeArt;
    private String desArt;

  public Article(int aInt, String string) {
        this.desArt = string;
        this.codeArt = aInt;

    public int getCodeArt() {return codeArt; }
    public void setCodeArt(int codeArt) {this.codeArt = codeArt;}
    public String getDesArt() {return desArt;}
    public void setDesArt(String desArt) { this.desArt = desArt;}


I want to filter my List using the desArt field, and for test I used the String "test".

I used the Guava from google which allows me to filter an ArrayList.

this is the code I tried :

private List<gestionstock.Article> listArticles = new ArrayList<>();

//Here the I've filled my ArrayList

private List<gestionstock.Article> filteredList filteredList = Lists.newArrayList(Collections2.filter(listArticles, Predicates.containsPattern("test")));

but this code isn't working.


  • This is normal: Predicates.containsPattern() operates on CharSequences, which your gestionStock.Article object does not implement.

    You need to write your own predicate:

    public final class ArticleFilter
        implements Predicate<gestionstock.Article>
        private final Pattern pattern;
        public ArticleFilter(final String regex)
            pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
        public boolean apply(final gestionstock.Article input)
            return pattern.matcher(input.getDesArt()).find();

    Then use:

     private List<gestionstock.Article> filteredList
         = Lists.newArrayList(Collections2.filter(listArticles,     
             new ArticleFilter("test")));

    However, this is quite some code for something which can be done in much less code using non functional programming, as demonstrated by @mgnyp...