OK am going to edit this question rather than opening a new one.
Hi I have a converted a site originally built as a flat HTML site on a cherry py server into ModX, the menu is a major feature of the site, and is comprised of Jquery definitions, which are handled by a single JQuery file.
You can see a preview version of the menu here
It all works almost perfectly! The problem Im having is that having visited a section, if I move onto another one and then return to the 1st its subpages have stopped responding, no console errors are output and I can't find out where the problem is.
The code involved in handling the menus is long and hideous but heres and example of a generated link and sublink
menu_2 = {
id: 'menu2',
title: '1',
colour: '#A70335',
hoverColour: '#D80550',
click: function() {
$('#introduction_jplayer').jPlayer("play", 0);
sub_menu_42 = {
id: 'sub_menu42',
title: '',
colour: '#A70335',
hoverColour: '#D80550',
click: function() {
And for the brave here is the JS that deals with everything - sorry about this :)
(function($) {
$.fn.fade_in_sequence = function(fade_in_time, time_between) {
* @brief Animate fade ins one after the other as a squence
time_between = typeof(time_between) == 'undefined' ? 0 : time_between;
fade_in_time = typeof(fade_in_time) == 'undefined' ? 500 : fade_in_time;
// The amount of remaining time until the animation is complete is initially
// set to the value of the entire animation duration
var remaining_time = $(this).size() * (fade_in_time + time_between);
var i = 0;
return $(this).each(function() {
// wait until previous element has finished fading and time_between has elapsed
$(this).delay(i++ * (fade_in_time + time_between));
remaining_time -= (fade_in_time + time_between);
// only fade this item in if it's not on our skip list
if ($(this).attr('id').substring(0,8) != 'not_fade') {
$(this).fadeIn(fade_in_time, function() {
} else {
// we still need to keep account of the time we didn't use up fading then
// wait until the animation is over to fill up the queue.
$(this).delay(remaining_time + time_between);
var MENU = (function($) {
var _menu = {};
_menu.menu_items = [];
_menu.render = function() {
* @brief draws menu on the screen
// find the menu div and add the items to it
$.each(this.menu_items, function(index, this_menu) {
var menu_div = '<div id="' + this_menu.id + '" class="menu_item not-selected" ' +
'style="background-color:' + this_menu.colour + ';"> ' +
'<div style="position: relative; top: 2.2em;">' + this_menu.title + '</div>' +
'<span class="visible_arrow" style="position: absolute; top: 2px; left: -14px; background-color:' + this_menu.colour + ';"><img src="images/arrow.png"></span>' +
// sort out the hover
function () {
$(this).css({'background-color': this_menu.hoverColour});
function () {
$(this).css({'background-color': this_menu.colour});
// create a click event for the menu item
$('#'+this_menu.id).bind('click', {click_function: this_menu.click, id: this_menu.id, sub_menu: this_menu.sub_menu}, function(event) {
// NB-92 weirdness happens if we redraw the same menus.
if ($('#'+this_menu.id).hasClass('selected'))
// stop any previous animations
$('.menu_item').stop(true, true).css({
left: 0
// fade out and prepare removal of any previous sub-menu that's showing
// mark the menu item as selected and the rest as not-selected
// bounce out the selected menu item so the user gets some feedback
left: '+=120'
}, 2000, 'easeOutBounce');
if ( !jQuery.browser.msie )
$('.selected').fadeTo(700, 1.0);
// *TODO internet explorer friendly fade out
'background-image': 'url(images/transparent.png)'
left: 0
}, 2000, 'easeOutBounce');
// darken out the not-selected menu items
if ( !jQuery.browser.msie )
$('.not-selected').fadeTo(700, 0.65);
// *TODO internet explorer friendly fade out
'background-image': 'url(images/semitrans.png)'
// render the new sub-menu
$.each(event.data.sub_menu, function(index, sub_menu) {
var menu_div = '<div id="' + sub_menu.id + '" class="menu_sub_item" ' +
'style="background-color:' + sub_menu.colour + '"> ' +
'<div style="position: relative; top: 2.2em;">' + sub_menu.title + '</div>' +
// sort out the hover
function () {
$(this).css({'background-color': sub_menu.hoverColour});
function () {
$(this).css({'background-color': sub_menu.colour});
// where is our top level menu item positioned?
var position = $('#menu-test').children(':eq(' + index + ')').position();
// put this menu item into the right place
left: position.left + 120,
top: position.top
// add the on click event for this sub-menu item -- much easier than the top level menus!
$('#'+sub_menu.id).bind('click', {click_function: sub_menu.click}, function(event) {
if($.isFunction(event.data.click_function)) {
// add the arrow
$("div[id*='not_fade']").not('.goodbye').append('<div id="sub_menu_arrow" style="position: absolute; z-index: -1; top: 2px; left: -11px; background-color:' + this_menu.colour + ';"><img id="sub_menu_image" src="images/arrow.png"></div>');
// now fade the sub menus in (delay it a bit first!)
$('.menu_sub_item').not('.goodbye').delay(500).fade_in_sequence(400, 10);
// and fade in the one we skipped over, and finally remove the old ones
$("div[id*='not_fade']").delay(1200).fadeIn(1000, function() {
// remove the next and prior buttons in case they've been left over from previous content
// and finally call the click, but only call it if it's actually a function
if ($.isFunction(event.data.click_function)) {
var width = $(window).width();
var resize_timeout = null;
// make sure if the user re-sizes the browser, we reset
$(window).resize(function() {
var on_resize = function() {
var new_width = $(window).width();
// check if the new width is actually different. Internet explorer tells you when anything has resized!!!
if ((width != new_width) && !jQuery.browser.msie)
if (resize_timeout)
resize_timeout = window.setTimeout(on_resize, 10);
width = new_width;
_menu.animate_intro = function() {
* @brief show the animated intro. This will only be seen once!
if (jQuery.browser.msie)
// disable menu clicking in internet explorer, it just can't handle it!
$('#menu-test').children().attr('disabled', 'true');
$('#menu-test').children(':first').animate( {left:0 }, 1, function() {
if (jQuery.browser.msie)
// reenable menu clicking in internet explorer once the main menu is rendered
left: '+=120'
}, 2000, 'easeOutBounce').animate({
left: 0
}, 2000, 'easeOutBounce');
_menu.animate = function(menu_item) {
* @brief animates the menu so that menu_item is opened
_menu.add_menu = function(menu_item, parent_id) {
* @brief add a new menu item
if (parent_id == null) {
// by default, we'll add to the top level menu
// first, add a sub-menu that we can take advantage of later
menu_item['sub_menu'] = menu_item['sub_menu'] || [];
} else {
// find the parent_id in the menu, and add to the contents
$.each(this.menu_items, function(index, this_menu) {
if (this_menu.id == parent_id) {
_menu.show_page_content = function(page_content_name) {
* @brief Grab content from the server and shove it into the content area
type: 'GET',
url: '/' + page_content_name,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(html) {
700, 0, function() {
700, 1
return _menu;
Ok I found out what the problem was,
Basically I missed an ID on the first menu item which meant that this line was never carried out:
// and fade in the one we skipped over, and finally remove the old ones
$("div[id*='not_fade']").delay(1200).fadeIn(1000, function() {
This meant that old menu items were never removed from the page flow and remained interferring with user clicks. For the moment I've amended the code as follows:
// and fade in the one we skipped over, and finally remove the old ones
This doesnt fade out the items with a class of goodbye but it does at least remove them so the menu is useable.