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Singleton model in Backbone multipage app with RequireJS

I have a Backbone multipage app written with the use of RequireJS. Since it's multipage I decided not to use a router as it got too messy. I've tried multiple ways of creating a singleton object to be used throughout the app

var singletonModel= Backbone.Model.extend({

return new singletonModel;

For the above I'm just referencing the singletonModel model in my class using the define method and then calling it as is

this.singleton = singletonModel;
this.singleton.set({'test': 'test'});

On a module on my next page when I then call something similar to

this.singleton = singletonModel;
var test = this.singleton.get('test');

The singleton object seems to get re-initialized and the test object is null

var singletonModel= Backbone.Model.extend({

}, {
    singleton: null,
    getSingletonModelInst: function () {
        singletonModel.singleton =
            singletonModel.singleton || new singletonModel;
        return singletonModel.singleton;

return singletonModel;

For the above I'm just referencing the singletonModel model in my class using the define method and then calling it as is

this.singleton = singletonModel.getSingletonModelInst();
this.singleton.set({'test': 'test'});

On a module on my next page when I then call something similar to

this.singleton = singletonModel.getSingletonModelInst();
var test = this.singleton.get('test');

Again it looks like the singleton object is getting re-initialized and the test object is null.

I'm wondering if the issue is because I'm using a multi-page app with no router so state is not been preserved? Has anyone tried using a singleton object in a multi-page app before? If so did you do anything different to how it's implemented on a single-page app?

Thanks, Derm


  • It's may sound a little ... but, you doing a multi-page application, so when you move to next page, a whole new document was loaded into the browser, and every javascript on it will be loaded too, include require.js and your model. so the require.js was reloaded, and it create your model again, so you got a different model than you thought.

    If above was true, my opinion is your model will "live" on a single page, when you jump to then next page, that model was "kill"ed by browser. so If you want see it again, store it on somewhere else, maybe server or localstroe, on the former page. and in the next page load it back from server or localstore, and wrap it into a Backbone model, make it "live" again.